
Zhejiang Xiaolong Electric Co., Ltd.



Location:Home > Products > Contact box series> CH3-12KV/250 Contact box 2500~3150A
CH3-12KV/250 Contact box 2500~3150A
Detailed description


The contact box is a pressure gel forming structure of epoxy resin APG process, and is used for various handcart switch cabinets, and has the function of insulation isolation and transition.

Model and its meaning

Conditions of use

1. The altitude shall not exceed 1000m;

2. Ambient temperature + 40 ℃ ~ 10 ℃;

3. When the air temperature is + 20 ℃, the relative humidity is more than 95%;

4. No gas, steam, dust and other explosive and corrosive media seriously affecting the insulation of contact box.

Outline dimension drawing


潮安县| 芦山县| 大兴区| 昌乐县| 凉城县| 兰溪市| 游戏| 上饶市| 吴忠市| 红桥区| 原平市| 荣昌县| 新兴县| 云梦县| 乌什县| 南京市| 丰宁| 滨州市| 刚察县| 平遥县| 济源市| 安福县| 张家川| 松阳县| 中山市| 福清市| 都昌县| 海盐县| 江达县| 元阳县| 嵩明县| 玉溪市| 安新县| 丰顺县| 革吉县| 和平区| 广昌县| 分宜县| 徐汇区| 梁山县| 水城县|